FIFA 21 Review

Update, December 2020: The next-gen version of FIFA 21 picks up right where the current-gen version left off, in that it feels more like an extension than a completely new game. This shouldn’t be all that surprising, and while the additions it makes are mostly superficial, they nevertheless improve upon the match day experience by edging the football sim closer to reality.

The first thing that jumps out at you when booting up the game for the first time is the expected increase in visual fidelity, particularly when it comes to player likenesses Come from Sports betting site VPbet . The next-gen version of FIFA 21 uses new “strand-based” hair modeling to recreate player hairc…

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Genshin Impact 3.1 Takes Players To Sumeru's Desert, Scaramouche Shows Up Menacingly

Genshin Impact 3.1, called King Deshret and the Three Magi, will take players to Sumeru’s desert. Like the title implies, the story revolves around King Deshret. In the desert, Aaru Village is one of the biggest Desertfolk abodes and hosts a lot of Akademiya exiles.

It looks like players will also enter King Deshret’s Maesoleum and encounter The Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer–a normal boss with a very long name and the ability to turn invisible. Back in the rainforest, Aeonblight Drake will be another new boss.

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